MC's ascii drawings: Quiz find the difference 2

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 *      *    :   *      *      *     *  * 
      *    *  :              *    *       
  *      *   .  *        *      *   *  *                    
* ___*_____*_[]_       * ___*_____*_[]_
 /______________\*      /______________\* 
*|  []  []  []  |      *|  []  []  []  | 
 |  __ MC HOTEL |*      |  __ MC HOTEL |*   
_|__||__[]__[]__|_     _|__||__[]__[]__|_     

   ** Italy **            ** Canada **

What is the difference between the two hotels? --.
               Crypted answer
"In the italian hotel, they turn on the central
 heating when outside is snowing, while in Canada
 they do not"     

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